Current Position: Home > IP Events > Fujian Intellectual Property Securitization Business Cooperation Symposium held successfully

  Wu Gaolin, chairman of the board of directors of the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Exchange, was invited to attend the "Fujian Intellectual Property Securitization Business Cooperation Symposium", led by Si Ningfei, director of the intellectual property incubation center of the Hong Kong Intellectual Property Exchange, Xiao Rongfu, executive director of the exchange and cooperation center of the national business association, Huang Guoxing, special consultant of Putian brand incubation base, Cai Shuhui, President of Putian trademark and brand association, etc Attend the meeting.

  "Fujian Intellectual Property Securitization Business Cooperation Symposium" was hosted by Huang Guoxing, special consultant of Putian brand incubation base. At the meeting, Cai Shuhui, President of Putian trademark and brand association, introduced the association in detail, and mentioned in the introduction: "I hope Putian trademark and brand association can benefit from the innovative products and models of Hong Kong Intellectual Property Exchange, provide online and offline trading platform for association enterprises, help enterprises realize the realization of intellectual property transactions, realize industrial transformation and upgrading, and promote the realization of intellectual property through intellectual property rights Enter the enterprise to obtain new impetus for development and effectively alleviate the development problems of the enterprise. "

  Chairman Wu Gaolin deeply analyzed sipr of Hong Kong Intellectual Property Exchange at the meeting, and analyzed the innovation points of sipr which is different from ABS, WBS, CBO, CDO and other equity and creditor's rights modes of traditional securitization from multiple dimensions. Chairman Wu Gaolin expressed appreciation for the construction of Putian intellectual property platform, intellectual property development planning and other aspects, as well as Putian trademark brand association's attention to intellectual property. "The Hong Kong Intellectual Property Exchange has rich experience in intellectual property securitization. We can fully assist Putian trademark and brand association to speed up the work of intellectual property securitization, provide intellectual property financing services for more innovative enterprises of the association, and hope to effectively promote local enterprises to use intellectual property to enhance market competitiveness."

  At the meeting, the two sides reached a preliminary consensus on cooperation in Securitization of intellectual property rights, monetization (realization) of intellectual property rights, international technology transfer of intellectual property rights, industrial upgrading, optimization of innovative talents of intellectual property rights, and determined the mechanism of continuous communication in the later stage. After the meeting, both sides visited the enterprises of Putian trademark and brand association.


  Congratulations on the success of Fujian intellectual property securitization business cooperation forum!


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